Friday, January 15, 2010

Sick Day

I've been home sick this week and daydreaming in my NyQuil-induced-half-concious state about my ideal bed that I'd love to be curled up in. While I will defend the comfort level of my bed to the death, I will admit this is pretty appealing...

So this is what I came up with....I know, I know the house from The Holiday in LA is BEYOND amazing, but that cottage in England is actually my favorite. It's so cozy, not to mention if I looked half as good as this when I was sick and got to lay in bed with a huge loaf of break and big glas off red wine...well let's just say I'd NEVER be at work. So for now, I'll just close my eyes and pretend I'm Cameron Diaz swaddled in cashmere and quilts!

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